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Ila is a research-led spatial artist from Cumbria. Her provocations are highly contextual, making use of fieldwork and a myriad of mediums that orbit the conference of words with investigative drawings, sculptures and installations. Resourced by archives and public memory, her work probes the spatial conditions of reproductive, reparative and revolutionary labours. Equipped with these contested histories, she develops a disposition for future-thinking and the agonising that shared speculation entails. Her work challenges powerful doctrines by unravelling coded space and channelling counter-agencies.

be in touch: ila.colley[at] or on instagram: [at]ilacolley

MA Political Architecture: Critical Sustainability
The Royal Danish Academy, 2018 - 2020

BA Architecture
University of Edinburgh, 2015 - 2018

read at Ledbury Poetry Festival, Borderlines Carlisle Book Festival // published in Magma, Ambit, The London Magazine online, Butcher’s Dog, hotdog, This Place I Know anthology // Writing Squad grad

RIAS Quarterly cover feature, Andy MacMillan Drawing Award, J.R. McKay Silver Medal, Helen A. Rose prize, DURAVIT thesis scholarship // C-Art Young Curator 2013

Web dev by the artist
with thanks to the following designers for the use of their fonts:

- euripides by Tanvi Sharma, a typeface designed for Anne Carson's Grief Lessons, a translation of Four Plays by Euripides.
- Rasa by Anna Giedryś and David Březina, a deliberate experiment in remixing existing typefaces.
- fa_qjwyorxoyq by full auto foundry, a workshop based type foundry that explores how processes of automation can influence the design of typefaces.